Sunday, March 30, 2008

It Has Begun!

Yes, I possess a single Lego brick. No, it is not a collectable, nor is it filled with gold nuggets; and no, it does not resemble a famous president. "So," you ask, "what's the big deal?" The deal is, my friend, that I am involved in a trading "competition" of sorts. My plan is to start with a single, cheap, 100_3235worthless Lego brick, and trade it for something of slightly greater value. Then take that item, and do the same with it; repeating the process over and over until I end up with something very valuable.

The competition part of it is, a friend of mine is doing the exact same trading process, only with a something less valuable and far less cool than a red Lego brick. Whichever one of us ends up with the most valuable item at the end of {time limit not yet set, because we are lazy} wins. And what do we win? Bragging rights. Duh!

So, if you have a piece of junk lying around or an item you just don't want (and/or need) anymore, and it is more interesting/valuable than a red Lego brick, contact me at if you are interested in trading.

Please include a description of the item, your preferred e-mail contact address, and PLEASE include a photo of it, Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words (this does not mean you can write a 1000 word e-mail instead of a picture). After I have compared your item with others, and picked the one I deem most valuable, I will contact you though your preferred email address. If I picked your item, the e-mail will ask you about how/when the exchange will take place. If your item did not get picked, I'll let you know what item did.


Also, if for some odd reason you are interested in trading with my friend/enemy, here is his blog: